The Winner of my Google Reviews Amazon gift card drawing is....

It took me a while to get this done. Mostly because mama's busy! And two kids keep me busy. But I always keep my promises. 

After a full day of the kids playing in grandma's garden, I hurried home with the littlest one and I had just enough time to write down all the names of the reviewers and fold them up. But I only had one kid home with me to do my reveal.

Last time I did this, my big kid helped and she is great at following instructions for special projects. 

My 2 year old...

Not so much.

She thought she could eat the little papers.

And that they go on her head.

And at one point, that the cup is a cup of "paper soup"

but ultimately I convinced her to open ONE card... 

view the images below to see if you're the winner :)


If you'd like to sign up to become a Paulina Splechta Ambassador and earn FREE photography sessions with me, click here to fill out your info. I have one spot that just opened up this week.

If you'd like to learn how to earn $400 OFF of a birth story 

or a FREE documentary photojournalism session with me... send me an email here: